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Importance of consistent sessions

It wouldn't make any sense to go just once for a session with my therapist. It only makes sense that, committed to my healing, I would schedule myself to work with my therapist weekly or bi-weekly, eventually monthly and until the work and healing in this season has naturally come to completion. Until I've allowed myself to be supported and guided to move through what I needed to and landed where I want to be... for now.

Here are five benefits to scheduling frequent and consistent Breathwork Sessions:

1/ Create trust, safety and connection within yourself, the relationship with your practitioner and in the work of the breath

2/ Deepen your awareness, expand your level of presence and come closer and closer to your wholeness

3/ Shift the way that you exist within yourself, within your relationships and within the world around you

4/ Be fully supported in moving from your mind, into the life experiences held in the body and through your healing

5/ Develop the knowing of how to come back to yourself, create safety within yourself and navigate your life

To allow the breath to do its work not only in session, but also through integration between sessions. The benefit of scheduling consecutive Breathwork Sessions, every two to three weeks to begin, builds safety and trust in our relationship and this work, and the commitment to consistency offers a greater depth of healing and transformation.

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