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Does meditation feel impossible?

A lot of people shrug it off and say they can't meditate because their mind is too busy and the response to that is often that these are the people who need to be meditating the most.

First off, we all need it the most. Secondly, if this is you you're not alone. We know how powerful the mind is. How it drives most of us one per cent of the time. How it consumes us.

Some with a deepened practice over time can drop right into meditation, but most humans are living in complete disconnect from anything but the mind. Even though with a deepened practice can often find discomfort at different times depending on their state of being.

So it makes sense that when we are invited to bring our focus to the breath that the pull of the mind is too strong to settle. To break away from it and meet yourself in stillness and in presence with the very moment can feel impossible.

THIS is where Breathwork comes in.

Breathwork bypasses mental conflicts like anxiety, attention deficit disorders and "monkey mind" that can discourage you from meditation. Although Breathwork is active, it is less overwhelming if you struggle in the stillness of meditation.

Most recently, Gerry who breathes in community breathwork experiences said, "I found breathwork to be like a reset button on the mind spins and rumination that seems to be part of this human experience. Afterwards there is always this calm, peaceful and present feeling - a fresh restart that improves my wellbeing and keeps me coming back." Merle said after her first breathwork experience at Presence Retreats that it was the only time she has ever been completely free of her mind.

Active consciousness and connection to the breath is one of the only ways most of us can fall away from the static, the stimulation and the chaos of the mind. To catch a break, to arrive in a state of freedom, to land in nothingness.

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